Here are a few of the many reasons you should join an American Youth Football association:
NO Child turned away! –We will never turn away a child on the basis of weight, athleticism or finances. Our goal is to grant every child the opportunity to participate in youth football or cheerleading.
NO TRYOUTS! –American Youth Football programs have no tryouts or cutting of rosters.
Mandatory Play Requirements – Everyone participates under mandatory rules of play, so every child is guaranteed to play.
Age Based – Your child will play against kids his own age. He will never be forced to “play up” against kids 2-3 older than him, or be expected to lose weight in order to participate. Age-based football has been shown to be the safest approach to youth football.
Safety, Safety, Safety! – Kids compete with kids of the same age. Studies have shown that age is the biggest factor in injuries with regards to youth football; meaning, the level of play increases with age. This is why AYF separates kids by age in lieu of allowing “older lighter” kids play against younger children.
Programs in all 50 States! – American Youth Football is the largest and fastest growing youth organization in America. AYF has over 830,000 youth participants and 180,000 adult volunteers in all 50 states and internationally. AYF has an extremely strong presence in New England as more and more Massachusetts-based organizations make a move from “the other guys” over to American Youth Football.
More than just athletes! – American Youth Football requires its participants to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to play.
Background Checks – American Youth Football programs nationwide are required to annually conduct a background check of Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the association and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players and/or spirit participants. The purpose of these background checks is, first and foremost, to protect the children.
Financial Aid – The mission of American Youth Football is to make youth football and cheerleading accessible to all families, regardless of their ability to pay tuition fees. All AYF programs are required to provide financial aid and scholarships to families in need.
Coaching Education Programs –The safety of our athletes is always the top priority. AYF coaches are required to complete certifications through ASEP and the CDC.
Coaches and Adult Codes of Conduct – All coaches, football and cheer participants must abide by a Code of Conduct which includes several provisions. If any of these rules are broken, the association and conference will impose a penalty.
We surround ourselves with the best – American Youth Football is proud to have numerous outstanding sponsors, licensees, fundraiser’s and partners who offer several amazing opportunities to our programs.