BVYFC – Home to Champions.
Blackstone Valley Youth Football and Cheerleading, a federally recognized 501(c)(3) organization, has served children in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts since 2007. The Conference was formed to provide a healthy and safe environment for young people ages 5 through 15, inclusive, to learn football, cheerleading, and the principles of good sportsmanship irrespective of their age, gender, nationality, religious beliefs, athletic ability, or ability to pay registration fees.
Blackstone Valley is proud to be a member of American Youth Football and Cheer. American Youth Football (“AYF”) is the largest youth football and cheerleading organization in the world with teams in all 50 states, as well as Guam, Samoa, Canada, Mexico, Israel, Panama, Brazil, Japan, Germany, and Italy. AYF has experienced a minimum 15+% annual growth rate over the last 10 consecutive years. There are approximately 750,000 participants in football and cheer; 18,000 teams; and 140,000 coaches and administrators participating in AYF programs.

Blackstone Valley serves approximately 5,200 children belonging to twenty (20) organizations in eighteen (18) communities and is the largest youth football and cheerleading organization in this area.
Our cheerleading program is very successful with our annual Conference Cheerleading Championships held each year at The Ryan Center on the campus of the University of Rhode Island. Blackstone Valley boasts many New England Region Cheer Champions and had seven (7) cheerleading squads participating in the 2013 AYC National Championships in Kissimmee, Florida.
BVYFC has been home to four separate American Youth Football Hall of Fame Coaches/Administrators: William Goodwin, Brian Deighan, Manny Gregorio and “Pops” Vieira. The AYF Hall of Fame was established to recognize individuals who have committed a minimum of 25 years to serving the youth in their communities through youth football and cheerleading.
All Inclusive
Football teams participate in AYF’s All American Division #NoLimits at the following age levels:
- 5-8 (flag)
- 8 and Under (instructional)
- 9 and Under (instructional)
- 10 and Under
- 11 and Under
- 12 and Under
- 12 and Under BVYFC All-Star Select Team
- 13 and Under
- 14 and Under.
- 8th Grade BVYFC All-Star Select Team
Cheerleading squads are available at the following levels:
- “Division 8” – ages 5-8 White & Red
- “Division 10” – ages 7-10 White, Red & Blue
- “Division 12” – ages 9-12 White, Red & Blue
- “Division 14” – ages 11-14 White, Red & Blue
- “Division 14 Elite” – Select squad for ages 11-14
- “Division 18” – ages 14-18 White, Red & Blue
- “Inspirational Division” 5-18 White level only*
* not offered by all associations