2013 Blackstone Valley All Stars


To a world class youth organization that boast Division 1 level youth tackle football with no weight limits, instructional flag and tackle football and New England Region and National Championship Cheer squads.

2015 Blackstone Valley Elite Cheer


In the power of community, teamwork, yourself, your skills, your team and your coaches.

2015 Blackstone Valley All Star Team


A champion in life, athletics and academics.  Since its’ inception in 2007, Blackstone Valley member associations have made appearances at National Competitions in Florida.

Sign up for Blackstone Valley Youth Football Conference

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Why Blackstone?

  • Age Based – Your child will play against kids his own age. He will never be forced to “play up” against kids 2-3 older than him, or be expected to lose weight in order to participate. Age-based football has been shown to be the safest approach to youth football.
  • Safety, Safety, Safety! – Kids compete with kids of the same age. Studies have shown that age is the biggest factor in injuries with regards to youth football; meaning, the level of play increases with age. This is why AYF separates kids by age in lieu of allowing “older lighter” kids play against younger children
  • We surround ourselves with the best – Blackstone Valley Youth Football Conference is comprised of regional and national championship American Youth Football associations.

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